I love my pets!
I lost two of the most precious dogs I have ever owned last year.
Bobby whom we had owned from 12 months of age and who lived till he was 12 1/2 yrs of age. Bobby was a purebred Maltese
Dog who was unfortunate enough to be born with 3 legs after the umbilical cord wrapped around his fully formed leg. This never
worried him in any way because he still thought he was quite normal. He was an amazing little dog who brought many hrs of
joy to my children as they grew up and when he died it was as if their childhood had somehow suddenly stopped. I will include
on another page a poem I wrote for him so that we may never forget him and his funny little ways.
I also lost Monty Moo Moo. He was 6 yrs and 10 months of age.Monty was a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who was a rescue,
he was undoubtedly as you will see a very pretty dog even though he was a male he still had that look about him that melted
your heart.
Monty lived with us for a very short 18 months, but during that time he experienced love and care like never before, he
became our mixed breeds best friend and his loss from Diabetes was such a blow, after all the work we had put into making
his skin non itchy so that he could enjoy being a dog. The memories that have been implanted into our hearts will never fade.
When I am able to cope a little easier with this loss I will include a very special poem for him as well.
Now the next two dogs are our remaining boys. Kurli is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Kulri has been with us since he
was 8 weeks old and is very much a part of our lives. We love him so much. Kurli belongs to Amy and Matt.
Ziggy is our little mixed breed, he is a very unusal dog in that we always say he lives in Ziggy land because he never
seems to be quite with you mentally, but loves us deeply as we do him.